Parent/Teacher Conferences (What To Do)

Parent/Teacher Conferences will be held after school on Thursday, October 20, and during the day on Friday, October 21. Dismissal will be at 2:45p.m. on Thursday so we can get ready for conferences. Please arrange to pick up your child at 2:45pm. There is no school on Friday.

All parents: Once again we will be using the Internet-based appointment-booking system from “Pick A Time” to coordinate meeting times for the conferences. Make sure you choose the correct options from the drop-down menu in the upper left-hand corner of the page: Middle School = 2016 Middle School P/T Conferences; Lower School (PreS-5th) =2016 Lower School P/T Conferences. You will use your browser to select which teachers you would like to meet and when.

“Pick A Time” Instructions – – – Go to the following address:

This link will be open from October 7th– October 19th. The system will be closed after the 19th.

New Users – Register
Enter your email address, create a 6-letter/digit password and push “Login/Create Account”. (Remember your password as you will use the same email address and password each time to enter “Pick A Time”.)
Fill in the required fields and register.
For each child, enter his/her student ID, the security code (birthdate – do not include leading zeros – use 4-digit year), and push “Add”. If you do not know your child’s ID number, you can contact Mrs. Perry or me.

Previous Users – Sign In
If you’ve previously registered, all you need to do is enter your previously registered email and password login information. The system will know about your appointments and the children you added to your account.

Each colored square represents an available meeting time. The legend shows you what teacher corresponds to what color and the times increase as you go down the page. Click on a square to book that time. Middle School, if you would like time to meet with your child’s advisor, please arrange for a separate appointment for another time other than parent-teacher conference time.
After you set when you want the reminder email to be delivered, click “Create Appointment”.
Repeat until you have a time with each teacher you’d like to visit.
At any time you can click on “printable schedule” and print the resulting web page to get a hard copy of your schedule.
If you want to make changes to your schedule, you can log in at any time until October 19 with your email and password.
If you have more than one appointment, they will be hidden. Click on the blue circle to the left of your name at the top of the screen to show your appointments. There will be links to modify the time or cancel the appointment.


Donna Halverson (